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Inpower is simply a scaffold - each person and family will find their own meaning during the course of the meetings. Read on to see how others have used these meetings to find harmony, balance and purpose amidst chaos.

Can I self-isolate…. from my family?

One mom sent me this photo on April 5th with the following caption:


“My kids have had enough of us & are 

self-isolating …in the garden 🤣”


Another dad created what he called a ‘zen den’.  He and his very VERY energetic young son built a sort of fort with chairs and bedsheets. When anyone needed time away, they could go into the Zen Den to chill.  Pillows and regular reconstruction provided. He said it meant less need of ‘hard hats’ throughout the day!

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Why we ALL need a little guidance….

A Teacher who had taken my parenting course with her musician husband wrote to me in March …


“We’re actually doing okay! Day 3 of not leaving the flat and couldn’t be more thankful for a garden and soundproof studio (good for screaming if it all gets too much). I think it’s the first time I’ve been off the ‘to-do’ list of work/life and can actually just respond to what’s here in front of me - running in the garden when they’re high energy, reading when lower energy. And as a teacher I feel pretty relaxed about the learning bit. Hope you and family doing okay. 


Sending lots of love, 



 This email popped up less than 2 hours later….

“As soon as I’d written this, I decided we should all do a PE lesson on YouTube in the garden. Didn’t follow any of head’s advice and ended with both kids crying at different points. A fail! I’m still learning... XX”

Even grown-ups need rules… especially grown-ups?

One Mom in Portugal wrote that she was desperate – she had been really losing it with her daughter.  Even though she KNEW she was taking out her fears and anxiety on the one person who didn’t deserve it, she couldn’t’ stop herself.  Instead of directly addressing her concerns or even her behaviour, we instead started her Gratitude and Silver Linings Lists.  Just one or two examples.


Later she sent me this photo.  By focusing on good things, she could actually take the first, small, concrete steps to take back control.  Because, after all, the only thing we are in control of is yourself.  


She called me again yesterday to say her shouting had been cut in half, her mood was massively better and laughter really is a powerful medicine to influence the world.

Of course, someone else wants to be in charge

One family asked if their youngest child, aged 8, would like to be in charge of the first meeting.  She was very excited. She handed out invitations (but said the at the dress code was ‘to come’ -t ended up being sweat pants and funky tops.  The meeting went well except that her older brother was not happy.  “She’s bossy”.  When his Mum suggested he run the next meeting, he perked right up. 

We are never too old to learn if we are willing

A family in France brought together their 2 children, parent, an uncle, grandparents and their great grandmother! The great grandmother acknowledged that her Curiosity Challenge was to get better with her mobile phone. And her Curiosity “Learn tons” choice?  “Apprendre a mieux connaitre mon portable.”  My bet is she’ll be WhatsApp’ing and Face Timing in no time!  


This same great grandmother said she was grateful the pandemic had showed how important it was to change her lifestyle… and she is in her 90’s. She was also grateful that she has “prise de conscience de valuers essentielle” (she has become aware of the essential values of life). 


She really is a GREAT great grandmother! 

Shoulds become coulds

One family had long discussions about how much clearer the air was which pleased their environmentalist Mum.  According to their youngest child, the pandemic was showing us the beauty of the world as it should be - “la beaute du monde tel qu’il devrait etre.”

And as it could be if we use our influence.

To see the glass half full

A Ph.D student who did this by himself (he had stayed on campus to be near his Immunology lab) put running as his play, his taking care of himself AND his learning.  No wonder he is such a brilliant researcher – he has consistent focus! This man has completed marathons and a FULL IRON MAN to raise money for research into Type 1 Diabetes. Something he has lived with for most of his life. 


However, my favourite comment of his?  When he said he was grateful that the Inpower project was teaching him to see ‘the glass of wine half full”.






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